代建平,男,1983年1月出生,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,2020年伟德国际1946源于英国第六层次引进人才,长期从事北京电子谱仪III (BESIII)实验和唯象理论的研究工作,已在Physical Review Letters、Physical Review D、European Physical Journal C等期刊上发表学术论文10余篇,承担国家级地区项目1项。
2001年09月- 2005年07月兰州大学核科学与核技术专业本科学士学位
2006年09月- 2012年07月中国科学院高能物理研究所理论物理博士研究生学位
2012年10月- 2014年07月中国科学院高能物理研究所博士后
2014年10月- 2020年06月上海交通大学专职科研博士后
§Jpsi->gammaLambda Lambdabar衰变的实验研究 国家自然科学基金青年项目2016.1-2018.12,20万元(已结题)
1.Jun-Shi, Jian-Ping Dai, Bing-Song Zou, Contribution ofthe t-channel N*(1535) exchange for the p`p→ϕϕ reaction,Physical Review D84, 017502 (2012).
2.Jian-Ping Dai, Peng-Nian Shen, Ju-Jun Xie, Bing-SongZou, J/y®p`pf decay in the isobar resonance model,Physical Review D85, 014011(2012).
3.3、M. Ablikim, ...,Jian-Ping Dai et al. (BESIII Collaboration), First observation of the isospinviolating decay J/y®L`S0+ c.c.,Physical Review D86, 032008(2012).
4.Ruilin Zhu, Jian-Ping Dai, Radiative hc/bdecays to h or h’,Physical Review D94, 094034 (2016).
5.M. Ablikim, ..., Jian-Ping Dai et al. (BESIII Collaboration), Observation of the doubly radiative decay h’®ggp0,Physical ReviewD96, 012005 (2017).
6.M. Ablikim, ..., Jian-Ping Dai et al. (BESIIICollaboration), Study of J/y and y(3686) decays top+p-h’,Physical Review D96, 112012 (2017).
7.Xu Cao, Jian-Ping Dai and Ya-Ping Xie, Vector mesonsand electromagnetic form factor of the L hyperon,Physical Review D98,094006 (2018).
8.Xu Cao, Jian Ping Dai, The spinparity of Zc-(4100), Z1+(4050), and Z2+(4250),Physical Review D100,054004 (2019).
9.Xu Cao, Jian Ping Dai, Confrontingpentaquark photoproduction with new LHCb observations,Physical Review D100,054033 (2019).
10.M. Ablikim, ..., Jian-Ping Dai et al. (BESIIICollaboration), Observation of a resonantstructure in e+e-®K+K-p0p0,Physical Review Letters124, 112001 (2020).
11.X. Cao, JianPing Daiand Z. Yang,Photoproduction of strange hidden-charm and hidden-bottomstates,European Physical Journal C81, 184 (2021).